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Counties: Wakulla County in Big Bend of Florida, Southeastern Leon County in Big Bend of Florida,

Cities: Crawfordville, Woodville, St Marks, Wakulla, Newport, Shadeville, Brown House, Leon Sinks, Lake Munson, Hyde Park, Wakulla Springs, Arran, Lutterloh, Hilliardville, Eight Mile Pond, Vereen, Plum Orchard, Port Leon, Wakulla Beach and Bethel Florida

Potential impacts: Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees.

Suggested action(s): To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in Tallahassee.

Summary: At 531 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Crawfordville, moving northeast at 15 mph.

This alert expires June 27, 2020 at 6:15 PM EDT
